You can count on it!

It can’t be done better:KÖNIG’s quality standards

All over Europe, planners, specialist shops and dry-construction professionals rely on the reliable product quality made by KÖNIG. This page provides more details about that subject! All our standards are clearly shown at a glance.

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or technical advice?

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Standards at a glance:

  • Extensive product testing by independent, accredited facilities
  • Own, continuous material testing
  • Quality safety agreements
    with suppliers
  • Active participation in expert committees
  • Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 
  • Certifivation according to DIN EN 1090-1

Dry-construction tests

Dry-construction profiles and accessories of KÖNIG are comprehensibly
tested according to:

  • DIN 18182 -1 (MPA/Material Testing Agency Dortmund)
  • DIN EN 14195 (MPA/Material Testing Agency Dortmund
  • DIN 18168 -2 (MPA/Material Testing Agency Dortmund)
  • DIN EN 13964 (MPA/Material Testing Agency Dortmund)

Sound insulation tests

KÖNIG profiles were tested in connection with plates of three leading plasterboard manufacturers. The test results confirm: With wall constructions and sound insulation from KÖNIG, you will be on the safe side! Sound insulation values (pdf) >>

  • Wall constructions according to
    DIN EN ISO 10140 –1-5
  • Accessories with acoustic decoupling items according to
    DIN EN ISO 10846

Corrosion protection tests

Each item of our corrosion protection program was successfully tested at the Institut für Korrosionsschutz Dresden (Institute for Corrosion Protection Dresden):

tested according to

  • DIN EN ISO 12944:1998 –1-6
  • and DIN EN 13964

Wave C 5 long
tested according to

  • DIN EN ISO 12944:1998 –1-6
  • DIN EN 13964
  • additionally to DIN 55634:2010 
    (salt spray test 1,440 h)

Own testing laboratory & quality assurance agreements

  • New standards within corrosion protection: At our production site, we established a private testing laboratory to perform condensation and salt spray tests.
  • We reached extensive quality assurance arrangements with our suppliers, so that our products reliably meet highest standards.

Environmental protection

With numerous environmental self-declarations,which are reliably created according to DIN EN ISO 14021,we offer you great guidance.

All KÖNIG products for wall and ceiling incl. accessories are EPD-certified.

An Environmental Product Declaration is a complete mapping of a products environmental footprint based on a detailed LCA (Lifecycle Assessment), independently verified by an accredited 3rd party. It allows the user to make an informed choice when selecting one solution over another.

EPDs are provided by independent experts under strict appliance of DIN EN ISO 14025 Thus, it makes the EPD to a globally recognized and accepted type III economic Label.


  • KÖNIG GmbH & Co KG maintains a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

TAIM-certified quality from KÖNIG

With us as a certified TAIM member, you can build on products of the highest quality. KÖNIG metal ceiling and metal substructures as well as panels are manufactured to TAIM quality standards!

Active participation in expert committees

Our experts are actively engaged in the Technischen Ausschüssen des Deutschen Institutes für Normung e.V. (Technical committees of the German Institute for Standardisation) (DIN) with the:

  • Technical Committee TC 241
    (Plaster and plaster products)
  • Technical Committee TC 277 (suspended ceilings)

Furthermore, KÖNIG is an active member

  • of BIG (Nationwide Association for Dry-Construction)
  • within WIR für Ausbau und Trockenbau e.V.
  • within TAIM (Technical Association of Industrial Metal Ceiling Manufacturers)